Monday, February 18, 2008

Little People Do the Funniest Things

Ausubuhi has been over at the hostel, which is now full of 10 mzungu, almost every day for hours. I would have to say that if there are this many mzungu here for very long he is going to become insanely spoiled. Anyway, this morning he came over and I asked why he wasn't at school, already knowing he was sick. He dirsegarded my question and mumbled something about coming in. He wandered over to the coloring set that's always at the hostel, opened it, and got all sad that the pencil sharpener wasn't there. He doesn't necessarily like to color, but he loves to sharpen pencils, which is why the sharpener had been hidden. The pencils are getting short, and there are always shavings all over the place. So he didn't find much interest in the coloring set, but before he was able to do anything, someone was sent to collect him, because after all, he was home from school because he was sick.

His English is really picking up though. He always says, "This you?" to ask if something is yours, but yesterday he said, "This yours?" Overall, there are a lot of things that he says that he didn't used to say.

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