Sunday, November 25, 2007

Surprise Party

We decided that on Friday we were going to throw a surprise birthday party for a friend. We had asked several weeks ago, and it turned out to be this Monday. Many older people in the area don't know in what year they were born, let alone the day, and some younger ones don't know the day. So birthdays are not the same here and definitely not celebrated. But Sara thought it would be great, and really wanted to do it.

We ordered food from the hotel, and had a great plan worked out for the surprise. I thought the plan was going to fall apart up until the last minute, but it all turned out perfectly - except after the surprise he was totally confused. It took a long time to explain to him that it was a birthday party, and a surprise at that, for him. As Sara put it, "He had no idea we were throwing him a surprise party, even after the surprise."

He then said that he needed to shower and change. Sara sent his best friend with him to make sure he didn't take too long, but I think it was also to make sure he came back. We ended up not eating until 10pm. It had taken almost two hours longer than planned to get them here.

Cutting the cake was also an experience. The cake was in a square pan, and he took a piece almost out of the middle (it was touching one edge). At first I thought people were being hard on him, but then they showed him how to cut it - make all the lines one way, then all the lines the other way, and take pieces starting in the corner. I agree that is definitely the only way to do it; in the end his was pretty goofy. It was a fun night, even if the surprise party was awkward.

On Saturday we relaxed and went on a walk up the nearby large hill. We sunned ourselves on a rock at the top because it was so cloudy there was no way we could get sunburned. It was a nice little amount of exercise, and better than a trip to the gym in many ways. Heading back we made it almost home, but stopped in town to buy avocados. There we ran into Sara's dad, who gave us a ride home. Just in time too; the second we got home it poured.

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